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  1. Splendido, great that you give your characters unique traits and origins. Is your main male character based on you? I think you would like Elder Scrolls Online, so much characterisation and you can make about 10 different characters per account.

    1. Yes, i like my characters to have a personal backstory, traits and favorites things. I enjoy them better this way.
      Nah not really, i just give him my name and almost similar hairstyle but most of the things i buy, loadouts and choices i make are to fit my personal tastes with my male characters.
      I want to replay Skyrim Anniversary Edition b4 trying others ES games. 10 characters per account!? Wish at least three in GTAO... and... a character creator in a fighting game like Dead or Alive and Tekken. Perhaps ill re-add Soulcalibur section...
      Anyway Ill keep that in mind but i would prefer not to play another "Online" game, GTAO already keeps me busy plus im playing Cyberpunk 2077 now and i need to finish my characters there so i can post them here.

    2. Nice one Nyx (or Marco my name is James btw as you can see ha), giving individual traits to your characters adds more depth and meaning, like a storyteller. I only have one character on pretty much every game I play as I want that character to be my main focus but perhaps I'll make another one to break the mould. I didn't know you could create extra characters on Cyberpunk 2077, considered playing it but heard many negative things from gamers perhaps they were being too harsh on it.

    3. Yes, too harsh. I don't deny Cyberpunk has quite some bugs even on next gen but in the end nothing game breaking afaik (GTAO has them tho), just the usual visual glitches. I would never have played Skyrim either if it was because of bugs. These open world games are always full of codes and glitches. Definitely a game worthy a try, never been into CP universe but i'm starting to like its lore. Beautiful dystopic environment and freeroam but don't expect a GTAO, in terms of gameplay CP is still very story driven even if you can make some choices that alter the story.
